
green tea daily

The surprising benefits from drinking green tea daily for one month

The surprising benefits from drinking green tea daily for one month For centuries, green tea, native to China and India, has been hailed for its health benefits, but this healing beverage only recently gained popularity in the United States. Next to water, tea is considered the most consumed beverage in the world. Green tea is so good for us that it even has the scientific world raving about its many health benefits. Ranging from lowering body fat and stabilizing blood sugar levels to preventing atherosclerosis and several types of cancer, green tea seems to help with many medical issues. Catechins are green tea's most studied beneficial plant compounds. Catechins are a type of antioxidant that fights free radicals and repairs damaged cells. Green tea is one of the least processed true teas and therefore contains the most antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols. Nonetheless, 78 percent of the tea consumed worldwide is black tea, while only about 20 percent is green tea. Writing for Prevention, Kelly Burch revealed what drinking at least one cup of gre

1. Eliminate aspartame One of the biggest advantages Kelly experienced after 30 days was her reduced consumption of aspartame-sweetened beverages. While water is her usual drink of choice, when she craved something sweet she always opted for store-bought sugar-free iced tea, which is loaded with aspartame. Aspartame has been linked to causing a variety of health issues including headaches, memory loss, vision loss, depression, seizures, coma, and cancer. Furthermore, it can mimic symptoms of diseases like multiple sclerosis, lupus, attention deficit disorder, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease. 

2. Prevent colds Green tea is packed with antioxidants that benefit the whole body. During Kelly's green tea experiment her whole family came down with a terrible cold and sore throat. While her toddler was the sickest she had ever been – she ended up in the hospital with dehydration - Kelly somehow managed to keep her immune system up and stay healthy. "Was it the antioxidant power of green tea?" she asked herself.[BR]As reported by Organic Facts, research has shown that people who consume green tea on a regular basis do not easily catch a bacterial or viral infection compared to non-tea drinkers. The catechins found in green tea prevent bacteria or viruses from attaching themselves to cell walls and infecting the cell. 

3. Green tea creates healthy habits Another major benefit Kelly experienced was that she was able to kick her red wine habit. She said that once she felt the relaxing and stress-relieving benefits first-hand, she swapped her glass of red wine during weekend nights for a hot cup of tea. Furthermore, drinking that one cup of green tea made her more conscious about her health in general. With these wellness thoughts in mind, she said it was easier to make other healthy choices throughout the day. 

4. Possible weight loss aid While some 
clinical studies suggest that green tea extracts may boost metabolism and help burn fat, other studies, however, show no weight loss benefit at all. Whether it was the green tea or living a healthier lifestyle, Kelly is unsure, but said she was able to shed a few pounds. Nonetheless, she concluded that without a doubt, green tea has improved her health. It helped her ditch artificial sweeteners and wine while keeping her in a healthier mindset. While drinking one cup of green tea a day might not be the magical potion some claim it to be, Kelly said it could definitely be one piece of the puzzle to living a healthier life.

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cancer Several population-based studies suggest that both green and black teas help protect against cancer. For example, cancer rates...